Thursday, January 30, 2020

100 Word Challenge: PET HUMAN- Ellie

Once there lived a cute little puppy and his name was Francis. Him and his owner pet human Max were doing what they usually do on a normal Saturday morning- Francis was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and Max chasing his tail while watching the pet Channel. Later that day they were going to the vet because Francis kept scratching his ear. It was totally not normal. I forgot to tell you that half of the time Max acts like a human and Francis acts like a dog. So Max drove Francis to the vet. On the way to the vet they ran into some traffic.

“GO!” Barked Francis.

“But the traffic… but it is SO slow I can't go!” Said Max. Eventually they ended up at the vet.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

100 word challenge: Turtle Tornado

One day a very normal not super random tornado appeared out of nowhere. It wasn’t caused by weather instead… IT WAS MADE OUT OF TURTLES WITH SPRAY PAINT! They were graffiti artists there were about 570 of these graffiti turtles. The tornado approached an abandoned bike and got out their spray paint and sprayed the bike until it was bright yellow. And then they did what they are famous for, tying their painted items to things.  Then they formed into two giant hands as they tied the yellow bike to a telephone pole. And remember whenever you see a colorful item tied to something always remember the GRAFFITI TURTLES!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

100 word challenge music slowly climed up the furry vehicle

Rykel (pronounced ri-kel) was just an average girl in an average world… or so she thought. What she did not know was the fact that her brain never fully developed… so she could only speak and read NONSENSE you heard me NONSENSE. Little did SHE know she was only 1 year old and had a big life ahead.

About 20 years later:

“YAY! Did not do it did. YAY!” said Rykel in attempt to say “YAY! I did it!”

She was so excited to show her parents her new song; “music slowly climbed up the furry vehicle” she played it and her parents loved it. THE END!

Friday, January 10, 2020

No Food by:Ellie

One fine day in “mythical creatures square” Mr.Griffin woke up to an empty kitchen. “All out of food… already?!”

Said Mr.Griffin in confusion. “I suppose if I must I will go to the shops.” Mr.Griffin sighed.

Mr.Griffin absolutely pathologically positively HATED going to the shops. Every time he went he got lost.

Later that day he went to the shops to get the food he needed. He got lots of raw fish and peas (that was his favorite meal). Later, he was making his way home when a little bunny hopped from out of nowhere. “Which way to the shops?” She said.

“How should I know?!” Said Mr.Griffin.

Later he went home and ate dinner...THE END